Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bed & Breakfast

I took a little stroll over to the Bed & Breakfast the other day and captured some beautiful shots of this wonderful Sim. It was pretty fabulous reminded me of Ireland or Scotland a bit...It got pretty rainy almost thunderous, I felt kinda bad for the sheep in the field they were stuck out in the rain but meh...their used to it right?

Spotting one of the B&B's up ahead a wonderful site to a girl who didn't bring a raincoat or umbrella! It was truly one of those Homer Simpson "Doh!" moments. .. I made a break for it by then I was pretty soaked to the bone le sigh~

I ran inside the B&B and was immediately immersed in warmth spying other doors I wondered where they lead to but they were locked :( one door however wasn't but it lead to nowhere *sighs*.

The roaring fire was heaven sent warming be up while I stood there listening to the crackling fire and wishing I could share it with a special someone.. .

The Sim is really gorgeous you guys and if you love Ireland or Scotland you'll fall in love with this Sim. But make sure that you bring a raincoat, rainboots, umbrella and a special someone to explore with and you will be in heaven. Also...the curtains close if you want some alone time with your special someone *wink*.

Stop on by Bed & Breakfast Experience

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